About Me

I was raised in Massachusetts, the youngest of 5 children. After college in Rhode Island, I moved to the Midwest to attend graduate school in economics at the University of Chicago. While still in school, I started my career as an international economist writing analyses and doing forecasting of several industrial countries. A move to Moscow in 1986 led to a job at the US Commercial Office helping American companies do business in the Soviet Union. When the International Monetary Fund opened an office in Moscow, I went to work there gathering data to help assess the state of the Russian economy.

In 1994 I moved to France, where I did some consulting work while focusing on helping my 3 young children adapt to a new country, culture, and language. I came back to the States in 2000, settled in Wisconsin, and took a job with an investment fund as a securities analyst working in risk arbitrage and then as a fundamental analyst. I left that job in early 2008 and spent a few years volunteering before going back to work at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. I wanted to know exactly what programs were available to help people and how they worked. Now I am back to volunteering and using my time to support the community.

When I’m not volunteering, I enjoy walking, running, biking, and swimming in the lake. I try to walk down to the lake every day, usually down the Fox Lane footpath. My favorite runs are around the Village, but when I feel like mixing it up, I go to Estabrook Park for a run on the Oak Leaf Trail or downtown to run around Lakeshore State Park and then north along the lakefront. My favorite route to get downtown by bike is taking Santa Monica or Lake Drive to the Oak Leaf. Another favorite bike ride is Lake Drive to Lion’s Den Gorge or Port Washington. There are so many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors here and I try to take advantage of all of them.

Helping in the Community

  • Literacy Services

    Tutored in the GED program, primarily math and English

  • Sojourner Truth House/Family Peace Center

    Volunteered on the domestic violence hotline and in the shelter

  • Kids Matter, Inc

    Was a Court Appointed Special Advocate, advocating for children under the supervision of the court in cases of abuse or neglect

  • Milwaukee Public Schools

    Volunteered at Milwaukee French Immersion School and Bryant Elementary School

  • Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

    Raptor and front desk volunteer

  • League of Women Voters

    Provided training to individuals and nonprofit groups on how to use the online voter registration system and on photo ID for voting