Stronger community

Enhanced safety

Improved accessibility

Together Let’s Make Fox Point Better

Why am I running?

I want to make sure residents are aware of issues being discussed by the Board. People lead busy lives and don’t always have time to keep up with what’s going on at Village Hall. I want to be a conduit for information so if something interests or concerns you, you will be aware and can participate in the process.

The Village is facing major decisions that will affect residents, including rebuilding public facilities. A Port Washington Overlay District was recently approved, which may lead to development of underused properties on Port Washington Road. Any new development should respect the character of the Village. There should be transparency about anything that is proposed and resident input should be encouraged.

Qualified to Serve

  • Resident of the village for 20 years

  • Master’s degree in economics, career in public- and private-sector economics and finance in the US and abroad

  • Children attended Maple Dale Middle School and Nicolet High School

  • Abreast of issues important to the community

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